In Need of a New Gender Affirming Wardrobe? Join the waitlist

The Wardrobe Curation Process

Meet with your Wardrobe Curation Specialist

Your dedicated Wardrobe Curation Specialist is there to guide you through the wardrobe curation process, ensuring to honor your desired style, and helping you to find the right fit for your body. Our Wardrobe Curation Specialist team is comprised of Trans folks who have experienced a clothing transition, have a passion for fashion, and giving back to their community.

Our team builds out your custom wardrobe

We spend about a month sourcing the right products for your wardrobe. Throughout this period you’ll meet with your Wardrobe Curation Specialist to review and approve the majority of your items.

We ship you your new wardrobe, 100% free

Once we’ve completed the curation process, we ship your new wardrobe to your front door, completely free of charge. We are currently working on our return/exchange policy- stay tuned!

Clothes aren’t just a necessity, they’re also F-U-N! We are here to reduce suffering and replace it with joy, and we’re doing it by providing Trans folks with the gender affirming wardrobes they need, and want–completely free of cost.

Cost should never be a barrier between a person and their Gender Affirming Care needs. But unfortunately, most of the time, that’s not the case, as Gender Affirming Care costs can be very prohibitive. And, as inflation is on a steady rise, and Trans Americans remain in a lower income bracket due to higher rates of discrimination, social stigma, violence, and more, Gender Affirming Care that is otherwise available to everyone, (!), is becoming increasingly unattainable for many in our community.

While cost seems to be the most prevalent barrier between individuals and clothing as Gender Affirming Care, lack of community, and a fear of being visible is also an issue for many in our community. It is no secret that Trans folks may face violence when they are visible in today’s world, thus many are uncomfortable clothing shopping in public spaces. Additionally, many individuals report feeling very overwhelmed with the sizing, and style process when they lack Trans Community. As a self-led organization, our Wardrobe Curation Team is a diverse group of Trans individuals who have experienced a clothing transition themselves, have a passion for fashion, and a desire to give back to their community.

And, because we’re rehoming clothing items, we’re helping our Earth by keeping clothing items out of landfills! Did you know that 73% of apparel is sent to landfill or incinerated, 95% of which could be reused or recycled? Well, now you do!

Clothes are an absolute necessity, and they also have the ability to bring us joy, boost our confidence, and make us feel more like ourselves, and Trans Wardrobe Project is here to meet this need with joy because Trans Joy is beautiful, sacred, and life saving.


Why wardrobes?